This can be used to creating maps of your own. Get blank maps you can fin some here ..unzipit the blank map to my computer/program files/battlezone ii/data/missions/instant

1.Next, put blank map in ...follow theses direction for 1.0  1.1 or 1.2 patches go to ---->  /start  /my computer/  C: / program files / battlezone II / Data / missions /  instant/ -----> folder :) put the blank map there . Now if your making maps for 1.3 patch ?!!  location would be /battlezone II/ Maps13/ missions / instant. ---->folder

2.Next launch : Battlezone II

3.Go to instant action missions and SELECT BLANK MAP start up the blank map.bzn you  downloaded

4.When it is loaded, open command promt with ctrl and ~ and type in game.cheat bzeditor, you will hear a voice ''enable edit on'' than hit ctrl  than e to open the editor.

The name for loose is npscrx type in ''configs'' box on left side of screen  

Respawn points are needed for the rec if u want a st game

the name is pspwn_1.

You need to place 2 in the map, 1 for you and 1 for the enemy.
So you need to give teams numbers team 1 and team 6 for other side is example.
Next dont forget to set your game as a strategy02.dll in ''path'' box only when your done map ...dont put recycler from object list...a recycler will automaticly apear with these spawn points, i suggest using the editor addon from bz2maps

Now you need to save the map. ? dont forget dll paths if your done if its a ST, MPI ,DM.dll  ect... ? if your not done just save blank.dll to re edit

Simply press ctrl and S or on editor addon it has all that on it already
When you save the map you can give it a ''name'', but never make it longer than 11 numbers or letters.Or you get bad assets and wont work you'll only have 4 files when you should see 5 ...sometimes you can't clik on the name box? no mouse? ...just hit esc key than click on your bzone.exe icon should bring you back to name box it and now save ...but where did your saved map go? Just look for the name in your addon folder should be 5 files with the name you gave them in there. With  a  sky , wat , bzn , trn , ter  file extentions

When you save the map you will have 5 files in addon folder after you named and saved it. ''you'll need 3 more files after i'll explain ''

If you think you want to make more changes in the same map you already made? you can put the saved map again in data/missions/instant folder make changes and save again... if for public beta 6.2 same as in the above explanation

3: You are done with the map....
You got 5 files in your addon folder with a names like

Now you need to edit 3 more files

First: A small picture or rather ''.bmp'' file extention  from 128 x 128 pixels (take screen shot of your map and cut out the map part ) i suggest using paint or adobe save it as a yourmap.bmp

second : ''.des'' file made with notepad ...some use odf files
And put your info in about the map. simply copy it from another map like hilo and paste it in your file dont forget to open it up with notepad and edit what u want inside dosent matter what you write in this file wont afect the map. yourmap.des

third: a Setup Information  ''.inf ''document  example yourmap.inf
You can copy this from other maps like hilo
The only thing you need to change is

missionName = "chill"
mapTga = "chill.bmp"
mapDesc = "chill.odf"
mySide = 1


missionName = "mymap"
mapTga = "mymap.bmp"
mapDesc = "mymap.odf"
mySide = 1

You should have 8 files now. Cut and past them into a folder.Than name the folder ....Than cut and past the folder into your /data /missions/ strategy/---> folder if you want it to apear in the strategy list?!!! when your in a multyplayer game ... map compleet have fun... GET BLANK MAPS HERE and the most best put together site.... full of tutorials ....


Changing the map size

You can only change the map size before you start editing the map. First, you need to choose which planet you want to make it on. Say you want to do Pluto. You go to your Battlezone II directory, go to data\missions\multiplayer , and you go into a map folder that is on Pluto. For example, CTFPluto. COPY the .SKY and .TRN file , and drop them in the addon folder. From there, right click on the .TRN file, and hit "Properties" , uncheck the "read only" box. Then open the .TRN and edit this:
MinX = -500.0
MinZ = -500.0
Width = 1000.0
Depth = 1000.0

Change the wdith and depth to whatever you wish.(7168x7168 is the largest) And make MinX and MinZ half of what the width and depth is.(Must be square) Now save. Rename the two files. Then to edit hit, Start > Run, and in the path line you should have: "C:\PrgramFiles\BattlezoneII\bzone.exe" /edit mymap.TRN /nobodyhome
The "/nobodyhome" line will clear the dll path from the map. If you do not use it, you may get an access violation. When you edit this, you will get a blank map on Pluto. You could also put in a different .sky file from a different map to have a different sky.

***When you save this make sure it is saved as mymap.BZN , if it saves as mymap.TRN your map will be ruined. If you have to, type in the .BZN extension.*** And next time you call it up to edit, you will use the .bzn eztension instead of .trn


What the files in the map are

.bzn: This file contains all object and mission information, including A. I. Pathing and team information.

.wat: this file stores any data regarding water layers, if any, on the map.

.sky:this file contains all the information regarding atmosphere, weather, fog and effects, sun angle and time of day, sky graphics, ambient color, and visibility distance.

.ter: this file stores all data actually relating to the maps grid in it and i believe colours values and textures and texture assignment
.trn: this file can be opened in notepad to change the size/music/fog/sky of the map. any size settings have to be done BEFORE BZII  creates the maps .bzn file

The .TRN file is a handy file that allows you to change a vast array of the parameters for your map, most of these settings are also available through the console, so I will only be covering a few of the uses of the .TRN in this particular tutorial.

Editing BZ II .TRN files is incredibly easy because they are text based, they can be edited by using a normal text editor such as notepad. This also means that you can copy sections from one .TRN file and paste them into another.
 Some .TRN files can be incredibly complex, such as the one pictured on the left, taken from my IA map "Cornered". The truth is that most map makers only tend to edit a couple of sections of this file. 

The .TRN file for the map featured in this set of tutorials is shown to the left, as you can see this one is far simpler than the one above. The two main aspects of the .TRN file that you'll need to change are :

1) The width and depth settings in the [Size] section of the .TRN, these settings control the size of the play area of your map. The values increase in increments of 1024, from 1024 x 1024 (small), to 7168 x 7168 (huge). If you edit these values you will have to delete the .TER and .WAT files for the map in order for the changes to take place, DON'T attempt this on maps where you've already started modelling the terrain as all terrain data will be lost, this should be done before work on the map has started.

2) The [Texture] section of the .TRN is where you can specify which textures you wish to use on your map, you can use a maximum of 15 different textures. Simply replace the texture names in the quotes with the names of the textures you wish to use.
.inf: this file stores data relating to the BZII shell and how the game should set up by default. it also tells the game what preview .bmp to use and what description file to use. it can be edited with notepad
.bmp: standard bitmap image extension. i think you can use other image types here, not entirely sure which oens are supported so just stick with .bmp for now
.des: this contains the text that is written in the maps 'description' box when you highlight it in the instant/multiplayer map selector. this can also be edited with notepad.

DLL: the extension used by Dynamic Link Library files, which contain program
code. These files contain programming code that other programs may need to share in order to work properly. A programmer would link to the DLL file, and then not have to re-write code for core functions


SpAce's Advanced Map Making Tutorial


InfiSYS is a starter map that has uses  "512x512" base texture (layer 0) that is splitted into four parts.

The method was already seen in BZ1, but was discontinued in BZ2. If things are well done, theres much less tiled look and ground can gain more detail and aproach greater photorealism.

As the layer 0 is premade in InfiSYS starter map, only thing that needs to be done is the texture for it.




1.01 – This type of full res (512x512) texture needs to be created as a first thing.

It should be tileable from every border of the image. (google some info about tileable textures if u don’t know how)



1.02 – Then cut your full res texture of  512x512 in 4 parts into four parts (quarters), like seen in image, all parts 256x256 res. Notify order.





1.03 – These are the quarters what there should be after splitting. Save them as TGAs, BMPs or PICs, as u prefer and remember to give unique name for the textures, so that they don’t mess with other stuff. Put them into BZ2 addon/YourPath while you are working with your map in instant mode, or in separated 1.3 patch editor, that way BZ2 is able to load them for your map.




1.04 – Open InfiSYS starter map’s TRN file with notepad, wordpad or other text editor. You see that TileTexture1-4 slots are already filled with InfiSYS default assets, replace slots 1-4 with the quarters that you have done, remember to write correct prefix also. You can add total 16 textures for your map, InfiSYS only takes slots 1-4.




1.05 – Now you can go to see results of larger assets. If you have dreamed about huge cliff textures, now it’s possible to do them. Note that sometimes there might be lines in borders of quarter textures, they can be painted away in many cases. Skilled texture creator understands how lines can be “made out”, design your textures well if you want perfect results.



1.06 - When you paint texture layers in BZ2 editor, note that InfiSYS takes layer 0 totally, you can feel free to paint into layers 1-3. If you are a hc mapper, you might wanto use layer 0 for some sophisticated purpose too, its not a problem as you then know what you are doing cause you are hc.






2. Advanced Domes


I have used special fish eye images with domes, sad fact is that I don’t have enough energy to write a tutorial about the texture creation part, too advanced to be written with crappy english (not my native language).


For this tutorial I had to find a free (no software costs) and easy method to create fish eye dome textures. So, a software called terragen cant render true fish eye images, but it can do something near alike. You can get terragen from


 Creating backdrop sky textures in terragen is very easy, setup camera rotation straight up (pitch 90°) and set camera zoom to value 0.25. After few minutes of fighting with the crappy software I ended up with this:



Play around with settings, add mountains if you want, you can create nightscapes ,whatever. If you make mountains, make sure that they aren’t too high, keep them close to borders of the image, so that in BZ2 they look like they are distant.

Make sure that you have sun in the middle of image’s y-sector, BZ2 sun light source can be made to match the sun in the image that way.

Also make sure that you have all scene render qualities set to highest, setup clouds as 3d. Forgetting details ends into odd pixelized look.

After you have a nice scene to render, save it as 512x512 image in BMP format.

(Note, if you wanto add fish eye effect or spherize filter, render higher res version, like 1024x1024)


If you wanto load a custom dome to a map without using InfiSYS as a template, you have to play around with “dome.uvspeed” values in the console and bring the dome to a complete stop and angle. You can also copy InfiSYS SKY file to another map (replace other map’s SKY file).


If you want to do a dome texture that stretches better to dome XSI geometry, you can try spherize filter that can be found from Gimp (free software) and Photoshop. The spherize filter isn’t the actual fish eye effect that works perfectly, but it brings more realism for sure. When you add filter such as spherize, you should have higher res editing material where to apply the filter, 1024x1024 should be enough. After applying spherize filter, resize texture back to 512x512 resolution before setting it for BZ2.



If you wanto do a dome texture that stretches perfectly to dome XSI geometry, heres example image that was combined and edited from multiple photos:


After you have done a texture, you have to open renamedome.xsi with notepad or wordpad. You can find renamedome.xsi from the tutorial files, the dome is also used and seen in InfiSYS starter map.

After you see insane load of numbers, look for a line that looks like this yellow one here:

Edit that line to match your dome texture’s name. After renaming, save the file (use “save as”) and give unique name for it, like yourbsdome.xsi, whatever.

Now you have a custom dome, bravo ! Throw it into addon/YourPath and load up InfiSYS map into BZ2 Editor. Once you there, open console (ctrl+§) and type: “ yourbsdome.xsi”. After done that you are hopefully happy about results. You can play around with fog color so that it will match your dome, do it by typing different values to console, like: “sky.fogColor 160 163 186”


If your dome is forming up too “high” or too “low”, play around with “dome.height” in the console.


If you wanto load a custom dome to a map without using InfiSYS as a template, you have to play around with “dome.uvspeed” values in the console and bring the dome to a complete stop and angle. You can also copy InfiSYS SKY file to another map (replace other map’s SKY file).


You completed the dome part, great !




3. Shadow map creation

 will be adding info soon <-------------------



4. Important console commands


If you are fresh map maker, then you might wanto print commands on paper:
You can open console by pressing Ctrl + § (Ctrl + tild)




Local Fog & Underwater Fog




Sky and VOF features



Water reflections

If you wanto have stars, rain, sprites, different texture blend in the sky, then you need to toggle your wanted things on from sky.toggle subgategory.

If you wanto have another dome for your map, then assign new by typing yourchosendome.xsi
Stock dome list


Making custom pools


You can pick up varie's pool editor tool here or use below tutorial

There is a tutorial on how to get a custom pool color available at modifier site written by LoC Saint. This will be a more complete set of step by step instructions and includes an XSI to start with that is easier to use than using stock ones.

1) To get ready to choose your colors and textures, open the bzeditor. Paint the desired color you want around the pool area to make sure it looks like you want it on the mini map and terrain. Eyedrop the colors and write down the 3 RGB values. Now switch to texture mode and eyedrop the main texture on layer 0. You will get a value such as "3. Write it down and close the editor.

Now open the TRN file (one of the 5 files that makes up a BZ2 map) and see what the texture's name actually is for tile texure 3. For our example here it will be mars2.tga. Code:
TileTexture3 = "mars2.tga"


TileTexture3 = "mars2.tga"


2) Now that we have the textures name and the RGB colors in hexadecimal we have one more step to do before the XSI editing. We need to convert the hex RGB values into decimal. For our example, the color we decided on is 150, 90, 65. To convert to decimal, take the RGB number and divide it by 255. Code:

150 /255  = .588235     :     90/255 = .352941     :     65/255 = .254901

Saint recomends keeping it to 6 decimal places but I haven't had any problems using just 1 place. Now that we have converted the RGB color 150, 90, 65 into decimal: .588235, .352941, .254901 we can open the xsi and do our search and replace.

3) XSI's are simply text files so you can do this work in any text editor. Open the provided XSI, in a text editor and you will find a section beginning like this:

SI_MeshVertexColors {
            ... ;0.75;0.75;1;,

Notice the last line ends differently than others so its safest to do your search and replace on just the first three numbers. The last of the 4 numbers; "1" indicates full alpha or opacity and should be left alone. There is another color section in the XSI but it is for the chromed biometal and doesn't need altering. All the color vertexs you need to change are the Code:


into whatever decimal values you determined in step 2.

Next do a word search and replace for dune3.tga and replace with the texture you want to use. There should be two occurences of dune3.tga in the provided XSI that you need to replace.

4) Now save the XSI with a NEW unique name. This is very important to prevent bad assets and gamestate checking. Don't use something common like rendpool.xsi, pick something that no one else ever has. Keep the name length to 11 or less characters. For our example we will call it customtv1.xsi.

5) Now the final thing we will need to get this into the game is an ODF. Create a text document named a custom name for your pool. For our example it will be customtv1.odf, but remember your's must be unique.

Copy and paste this text into your new blank pool ODF. Code:

geometryName = "mepool01.xsi"
classLabel = "deposit"
scrapCost = 0
scrapValue = 0
maxHealth = 20
maxAmmo = 0
unitName = "Biometal Pool"
heatSignature = 0.0
imageSignature = 0.0
radarSignature = 0.0
collisionRadius = 1.0

effectHard1 = "hp_emit_1"
effectName1 = "mepool01.render"

tunnelCount = 1

tunnel01X0 = 1
tunnel01Z0 = 1
tunnel01DX = 2
tunnel01DZ = 2
tunnel01Edge = "wwtw"



Find and replace "mepool01.xsi" with the name of your new xsi. In our example that would be "customtv1.xsi"

Close and save this new document as yourpool.odf (our example: customtv1.odf). Place it in the addon dir of where you edit from.

6) Open the BZ2 Editor and type "yourpool" (customtv1) into the cfg box (without the .odf extension) and now you can place the pool onto the map. Once placed it is converted to a mesh file found in data/bindata folder. Close the editor.

7) Go to data/bindata and move the new mesh to your maps assets folder. Do not leave a copy in the bindata dir. Once you have the mesh, BZ2 no longer needs the xsi, so remove xsi to another place in case you need to make a new pool. There is no reason to make 56k users have to download a useless file by including it with your map pack.

Just remember that the mesh and ODF must be included with the map files or the players machine will freeze up on the loading screen when it says "loading dll".



ODL1Winter: Version B4c1-download


 Making a map from scratch 

1) Bring up your favorite image editor and make a new image and make sure the size is in multiples of 32. (Ex 32 64 96 128)
2) Conert the image to grayscale (Optionaljust paint in grayscale on a color picture =)
3) Fill the image with black or dark gray
4) go to the color picker and pick a lighter tone and paint where you would like to see a raised area on the map
5) convert the image back to rgb and save as a 24bit BMP (there is no real 32 bit bmp format)
6) open Winter
7) Click "Load BMP" and open your BMP
8) Under "Export to Ter" Click "Height"
9) Enter the Minimum and Maximum height desired. (32767 is the max 32768 is the min).
10) Now enter the name of the new Ter file.
11) open the .ter file with battlezone 2
12) run ai.calccliffs from the console
13) save the bzn
14) Enjoy working on the rest of your map.

 Getting the height BMP of a map you already started

1) Open Winter
2) Click "Load Terrain" and select the .ter from your map
3) Under "Export to BMP" click "Height"
4) click "Save BMP"
5) enter the name you want for the BMP
6) open the BMP in your favorite image editor and away you go
 Quick start guide by Rocketman & TimeVirus (Edited by SilverB1rd)

 DXTGen For the (1.3 beta patches) this tool coverts old (1.1 and 1.2 patch images) into usable textures for the 1.3 patch

these textures are compressed to help the game use up less info and is needed to make textures for 1.3 objects or maps ...






Converting BZ1 to BZ2 Standards;
Before you begin,1 thing you need to understand is;
BZ1 terrain tiles are 10 meters per grid,BZ2 terrain tiles are 8 meters
per grid.So by setting the correct Width & Depth for BZ2,in the .TRN file

-To begin you will need your desired BZ1 .HGT file & a BZ2 .TRN file for
whatever BZ2 planet to want to use.
-Name your map, Example; Mymap.hgt & Mymap.TRN
-Open the .TRN file,To do this,change the end extention from .TRN to .TXT
-Find the Width & Depth parameters,usually at top.Here is where you insert
the correct BZ2 diminsions to macth the size of the BZ1 .HGT file.

Based on the chart Below match up the BZ1 .HGT File size to it's
corresponding BZ2 Width X Depth

BZ1.HGT size-BZ1.TRN WidthxDepth-BZ2.TRN WidthxDepth-BZ2.TER  size

-Rename the .TRN file from .TXT back to .TRN
-Place the all Mymap files(you can also choose a pre-existing .SKY
file,just remane it) in the Instant Action folder,or where ever
you want to store them
*Warning* In BZ1,most addons were dumped into the Addon folder.Doing this in
BZ2 will usually cause bad assets in multi-player.It is recommended that
you keep maps their prospective folders,Instant Action or Multi.
-To Launch map, You'll need to use the START,RUN features,usually located
on the task bar.Type this line;

"C:\Program Files\Battlezone II\bzone.exe" /edit /nobodyhome Mymap.trn

The /nobodyhome allows the BZ2 editor to run a map without an existing .BZN file
*NOTE* You must have at least the 1.1 patch installed,for the nobodyhome to work
& it will not work with the BZ2 Demo,but the demo editor will convert
.HGT files too,but with slight changes to the START,RUN command line.

-After map launches,Enable the Editor, Control+E
-While in Editor,place an obect,preferrably a spawn point,or repair/ammo powerup.
 Save is Control+S
*NOTE* When saving map for first time be sure to change the end extention of
the map name from .TRN to .BZN,in the save window.If you don't change the
extention,Your .TRN file will be Corrupt & will not function.

The rest of map files will be Auto-generated by saving the map the first time.

 by {Xǧ}1st Ömeti'kloñ

Map Required Paths for AI & MPI (Stock Maps) 1.3 Requires the following paths
hold1 // Enemy Turret Hold Point 1
hold2 // Enemy Turret Hold Point 2
hold3 // Enemy Turret Hold Point 3
hold4 // Enemy Turret Hold Point 4
thru 'stage32' are available, // (1.3  
PLAYER'S TEAM  Recycler // Player's Recycler
tank1 // Tank 1
tank2 // Tank 2 
 tank3 // Tank 3 
edge_path // MAP EDGE
power1 // POWER UP 1
power2 // POWER UP 2
power3 // POWER UP 3
Also i usually add the following paths to the GreenHeart mpi maps. (Not Required)
 Replace the # with a number you haven't used with mpic or a dual spawn bug may occur.
GreenHeart Style Custom Paths:
mpic#_fvturr_ivturr_ //Scion &amp; ISDF Turret
mpic#_fbmtow_ibmtow1 // Scion & ISDF Mortar Tower
mpic#_ibagtow1 // ISDF Assault Tower
mpic#_fbspir_ibagtow1 // Scion GunTower &amp; ISDF Assault Tower
mpic#_fbaspir_ibagtow1  // Scion Assault Tower &amp; ISDF Assault Tower
mpic#_fbstow_ibstow1 // Scion &amp; ISDF Rocket Tower
mpic#_fvmega_ivmega  // must be near a pool in order to deploy other wise it will automaticly expire.
mpic#_fbmstatueGH_ibmstatueGH  // Ambush Statue


Quote from: Public Beta 1 ChangeLog:
  Also redid the mpic*/mpih* pathpoint code, used between IA, MPI
DLLs. It can support only one item, e.g. a name of "mpic1_ivturr", or
the more traditional "mpic1_fvturr_ivturr". If it starts with
mpic/mpih, it checks the ODF(s) specified, and builds them only if the
race matches the current cpu/human team. Alternatively, if it starts
with mpiC/mpiH (note the capitalization!), it replaces the first
character of the ODF(s) [note the pural!] with the current race of the
team, and builds the object(s). This allows you to do something like
"mpiC1_*vturr", which will build a CPU turret of the current CPU race,
no matter what the CPU race is. [NM]

Dropzone Towers Faster Long Range:
mpic#_fbaspir_ibxgtow2cpu // Dual Assault Towers (tall)
mpic#_fbxspir3cpu_ibxgtow3cpu // Dual Assault Towers (short w/ mortar)
mpic#_fbmtow2cpu_ibmtow2cpu // Dual Mortar Towers (6 shot fired)
mpic#_fbstow_ibstowl2cpu  // Improved Rocket Towers (better lock & might takeout bomb)

Computer Only Pool:


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